Forest and Factory: The Science and the Fiction of Communism
How might communism work? How can we approach this question with any rigor? What roles do industrial production, planning, and deliberative decision-making have in communism? In just under 21,000 words Phil Neel and I try to provide an answer to these questions.
Red May 2023: We Have Never Been Post-Industrial
I recently organized a panel talk with my friends and collaborators Wendy Liu, Phil Neel, and Anette Ramos. Link inside.
Engineering, Commodity Production, and Capitalist Domination (Part 2)
Those of us who have accumulated the technical expertise necessary to enable the endless churning of things from factories have done so as part of a vast machine built on an absurd amount of suffering. This suffering cannot be undone, but can potentially be redeemed if this expertise is leveraged towards building a society where planetary domination by the alien logic…
Engineering, Commodity Production, and Capitalist Domination (Part 1)
The role of engineers in capitalism is two-fold: our labor simultaneously enables the domination of other laborers through the deployment of technology in service of capital accumulation while also itself being subject to domination by capitalism. A modern anti-capitalist approach to politics must account for the complex role of engineers, as engineers play not only a pivotal role in capitalism, but…